How do credit card transactions appear on the member's credit card?
For organizations in the US, ClubExpress includes a merchant account to process credit card transactions using Visa, MasterCard, Discover, or American Express. Members will see "CLB*" followed by the name of your club or association abbreviated so it fits within 18 characters. For example "CLB*My Bike Club". You have the option of disabling Amex since they charge slightly higher fees.
You also have the option to configure your own merchant account with any merchant provider, as long as the payment gateway is Stripe or Authorize.Net (many independent merchant processors can use Authorize.Net as their payment gateway. Note that under some situations, you must have your own merchant account. For more information,
see this page on our website. If you want help in setting up your own merchant account, we have established partnerships with both Stripe and Authorize.Net to offer merchant accounts to our customers at the same rates as we pay.